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Shear Madness / Drayton Entertainment Skip to Content

King's Wharf Theatre

Shear Madness

The Hilarious & Wacky Whodunit

August 14 – August 31, 2019

By Paul Pörtner

Listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as America’s longest running play, Shear Madness continues to delight audiences with its unique blend of madcap improvisation and spine-tickling mystery.

Hairdresser Tony Whitcomb and manicurist Barbara DeMarco comb through the tasks of a normal day until concert pianist Isabel Czerny is murdered. Tony, Barbara, and the Shear Madness customers – socialite Eleanor Shubert, antiques dealer Eddie Lawrence, tough guy Nick Rosetti and his assistant Mikey Thomas – are all suspects.

But whodunit? Witness the fun, put your detective skills to the test, and take a stab at solving the crime!